KamboCo Practitioner Mentorship
Kambo Practitioner Mentorship
Kambo has changed my life. I’m healthier, happier and understand my mind and body better because of it. But even more it has been my honor to serve kambo to others and witness the change kambo brings to them. On my journey to becoming a kambo practitioner I’ve been lucky to have several teachers and the right one always seems to have shown up in my life at just the right time. I’m grateful for the lessons each has taught me and want to be able to share the things I have learned in a way that honors those who I’ve learned from and honors kambo.
As the benefits of kambo are being shared via news and social media the need for talented and well educated practitioners is increasing. Experience and education are extremely important to me as I set high standards for myself in serving my community. Because of this growing need for well trained practitioners I’m excited to announce that I am opening up a few mentorship spaces for those who would like to learn to serve kambo to others from me. To qualify for this mentorship I require that you complete my self-serve course and have spent at least 3 months with your self-serve kambo practice.
This mentorship is created for those who would like to learn how to safely and effectively serve their community by learning to become a confident and empowered kambo practitioner. Whether you want to have the ability to serve kambo to your loved ones or start a business and serve your community, your success is my number one priority. As your mentor my intention is to allow you the space to find your magic in working with kambo not to mimic how I do things. Our relationship will be ongoing outside of our course together and my hope is that we continue working together to share kambo with those that it can most effectively help.
Training to become a Kambo practitioner requires stepping into a role with humility, integrity and strength. You will be taught both traditional and modern techniques related to serving Kambo. I honor the traditions and shamanic practices surrounding Kambo as well as the power of using other methods in my practice and intend to share the knowledge I have of all of these techniques with you. At the end of your training we will schedule a time where I will serve you a warrior initiation of Kambo (3 rounds of Kambo in one sitting), this is not a shamanic initiation and although you will be using many shamanic methods and tools to serve Kambo I am not training you to become a shaman.
Serving Kambo can be emotionally and physically taxing and this mentorship will be challenging in similar ways. Before applying please take time to sit with the question, “Do I have space in my life for this?”
What you’ll learn:
Traditional kambo sessions
Intensive kambo sessions
Hapé & tobacco work
Body Energy Flow - chakras, meridians, auricular
Holding space for others
Medications, warnings, and contraindications
Recipes - water alternatives
Working with rattles and sounds
The Business of Kambo
Items Provided:
Kambo stick
Reading Materials
Time Requirements: This mentorship will include group class sessions, serving each other in class, at home reading and study, as well as working with your own first “guinea pigs” to serve Kambo to at my home. We will also spend some time one on one for some deeper work - a warrior initiation will be served to you which I will facilitate. You are also required to take a first aid CPR training class on your own time.
Course Dates:
Our next Mentorship will be structured as a 5 day program with our mentorship meetings taking place in a single week. After we’ve worked together for the week you will bring your own ‘clients’ to practice on (If you don’t have local connections here in Utah we will be happy to find some for you). Weekday Mentorship sessions will take place from 10am-2:30pm.
Our next Mentorship dates: TBD - Please reach out to let us know you would like to join us for a future mentorship!
Cost: $3,333
This mentorship will be limited to 4 people 2 Spots Left!
When your application has been approved a non-refundable deposit of $888 is required to hold your spot, remaining payments must be made in full prior to the start of the course.
A note about applications: because your success is my priority if I see that you plan to practice Kambo in an area that already has many practitioners I may need to have a conversation with you to set expectations and get an understanding of your intentions with Kambo
To apply for this course please click the button below. I look forward to working with you!