Sananga has been used by Amazonian tribespeople as a powerful eye medicine for centuries. Sananga is made from the roots and bark from a shrub of the milkwood family (Tabernaemontana undulata) and is used to treat a variety of ailments including bacterial eye diseases, such as conjunctivitis, stye, redness and eye irritations.
What is Sananga:
The pure spirit of Sananga supports a deep cleanse to release blocked energy on the emotional, physical, and spiritual levels. Sananga can balance and increase your energy, and find the root cause of your blockages, leading to complete alignment, focus and peace of mind. The drops will expand your spiritual vision and awareness, and enhance your intuition. Sananga increases your depth perception in many different ways which is important for visualizations and predictions of your future. Sananga is used to improve a broad range of ocular issues like myopia, color perception, quality of visual images, and the ability to illuminate your sight in dark spaces. This magical Amazonian liquid is indicated to help with severe eye diseases, such as glaucoma, cataract, and color blindness. As these drops can exert such powerful effects on your visualization, they’re also commonly applied before or during Ayahuasca ceremonies, to increase visualization and spiritual insights.
Traditionally, tribes like the Matsés use Sananga as a hunting tool to acquire sharp perception, concentration and to illuminate subtle movements in the dark jungle. The drops can have strong visualizations of the prey or the plant to be hunted, allowing for a quick and successful hunt. Often Sananga is combined with other hunting tools, like Kambo, which can further enhance their hunt. For most indigenous tribes, hunting means survival which signifies an exceptionally important and crucial ability to be able to provide meals to their tribe members and families.
Some Sananga Benefits Include:
May help diseases like cataracts, glaucoma, astigmatism, nearsightedness, and farsightedness
Helps detox the body from bad energy and toxins
Helps with addictions and depression
Open and activate the third eye chakra and improve spiritual visions
Increases visual perception and enhances colors
Clears blocked emotions and memories
Resets energetic field
Do It Yourself Application:
Only one drop per eye is enough for a powerful Sananga session. We recommend to find a calm and quiet place, either in nature, or at home in a peaceful setting and with meditative music. Light a candle and start by setting intentions and opening your heart for any guidance you might receive from sananga. Light and burn sage or palo santo to cleanse the space and bring you inner peace. Make sure you lie down to enable a good application and leave your eyes closed during the session. We like to have a pillow resting under our knees to reduce any tension in the lower back. It’s important to apply one drop to both eyes and don’t wait with the second drop, apply it immediately to balance out the energies on both eyes. Blink or flutter your eyelids for a few short seconds to distribute the liquid over the whole eye. Connect with your intention and take a deep breath in. Close your eyes and bring your awareness back to the breath. This is a chance to connect to your nervous system and relax your body to release any negative energy and breath through the unfamiliar discomfort. Ideally, you’ll want to find a second person who can apply sananga for you but it is doable on your own. Just practice. Stay laying down as long as you need with your eyes closed. Your eyes might flood with tears so have some tissues available.
Shortly after applying the application to the eyes, most people report a strong burning and intense prickly pain sensation. Yet, these effects subside after a few minutes, and can be alleviated by focusing on your breathing and by visualizing how the pain removes your blocked energies and to bring deeper healing. You may experience past memories or emotions during your session which are further indications for the removal of blocked energy. Try to surrender fully and relax as much as possible. Lean into the discomfort. Pain is a teacher. Accept and receive.
Initial clarity and vision could be felt as quickly as 15 minutes after the application. The subtle changes will be felt for days as well as lasting improvement in your vision and eye health.
Gain new perceptions and focus
Improvement on vision and eye health
Relieve headache pressure
Increase your intuition and spiritual vision
NOTE: Remove contact lenses before Sananga and don’t replace them for at least 30 minutes
Never put something into your eyes that isn’t from a trusted source. We love the sananga from Four Visions Market, to purchase your own sananga click the link below:
For 10% off use the Code: KAMBOCO at checkout